North Chelmsford NHS Healthcare Centre




Perinatal Support

Becoming a parent is a big life event, and it’s natural to experience a range of emotions and reactions during and after pregnancy. The mental health provider, IAPT, recognise the needs of individuals in the perinatal phase and have a variety of tailored treatment options available including guided self-help, workshops and courses and access to an online ‘Perintatal Wellbeing’ programme via SilverCloud. Click below to find out  more about the new ‘Wellbeing in pregnancy and early parenthood’ webinar for imminent and new parents tackling the pressures of their changing role. This webinar offers an insight into the common triggers and symptoms of postnatal stress.


Dealing with Depression Webinars

Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms. Depression is not a sign of weakness or something you can “snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”. Managing depression can be as simple as improving your quality of sleep or taking a short walk; or it can include an exploration of thinking habits and their impact on our emotional life. IAPT therapists have created a new ‘Dealing with Depression’ webinar that explores the origins and experience of depression whilst suggesting tools and techniques to help people to better understand their own feelings and make positive changes. This webinar will launch in August and local residents can start registering today.

Dealing with Depression | HPFT IAPT Services (


Silvercloud – online self-help programme

Direct access is available to SilverCloud via the Health in Minds website. The online self-help programme consists of evidence based techniques based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which are recognised to have a positive impact on low mood and anxiety. After completing a short self-referral online, patients will receive access to SilverCloud which they can then work through with the support of a therapist who will monitor progress throughout provide guidance and encouragement via regular reviews. Patients have the option to select from the following four modules; Space from GAD, Space from Depression, Space from Depression and Anxiety and Space from Stress. Patients can easily enrol to SilverCloud via the direct access portal.

Date published: 28th July, 2021
Date last updated: 26th November, 2021