North Chelmsford NHS Healthcare Centre

Electronic Prescriptions from 2/3/20

Change to Prescriptions

Most prescriptions are now signed, sent and processed electronically. You have 2 choices for how this works:

  • You can choose a pharmacy to dispense all your prescriptions. When you get a prescription, it will be sent electronically to the pharmacy you have chosen. You can collect your medicines or appliances without having to hand in a paper prescription. You can order repeat prescriptions via your pharmacy, via online services or via the NHS App.
  • You can decide each time you are issued a prescription where you would like it to be dispensed. When you are issued a prescription, you will be given a paper copy (a ‘token’) that you can take to any pharmacy. The paper copy will contain a unique barcode that will be scanned to download your prescription from the secure NHS database. Please note that from 2nd March 2020, you will no longer see a doctor’s signature on the printed token.

Choosing a Pharmacy

If you get regular prescriptions or are already using a prescription collection service (where a pharmacy collects prescriptions from your GP practice for you) then choosing a pharmacy to dispense all your prescriptions may save you time by avoiding unnecessary trips to your GP.

You will still order your repeat prescriptions in the same way as you do now, but your prescriptions will be sent electronically to the pharmacy or dispenser of your choice.

You will not have to collect a paper repeat prescription from your GP practice.

Cancelling or changing your choice of pharmacy

You can change or cancel your choice of pharmacy at any time. Simply speak to reception or your pharmacist before you order your next prescription. You should allow time for the update to take place to avoid your next prescription being sent to the wrong place.

 How do I sign up for electronic prescriptions?

Ask at reception or email